Some things tick me off.... (graphic)

By the way those "posters" are called macros or image macros. I can show you some far worse ones if you prefer.
lol like what???

Same old Y frame.... Giant Displacement ... just an ongoing improvement over the old.

LOL You're not serious? :D

Taking cosmetics out of it, I can't even count all of the improvements, but to name a few... new aluminum frame, magnesium cradle, carbon fiber panels, the all-new LS7 with dry sump system, titanium rods/intake valves, 100 more HP than the C5 Z, bigger and better brakes, upgraded suspension, etc.

I'm not a glowing fan of GM products these days, but at least give credit where credit is due. Sorry, stock vs stock, a C6 Z is significantly more than an "ongoing improvement over the old" -- if you think otherwise, you really need to drive a C6 Z in its natural habitat. ;)