Stuck doors


Hello, I'm new here. I have a '98 with 59,000. I was so excited to find this one in July with low mileage. Somebody stuck a business card with this website in my car door during the fall. So here I am. I've been lurking for awhile but now I have a question.

Does anybody else have a driver door that freezes shut? Is this common? It is driving me insane. My Mark is garage kept, but it seems everytime it rains or snows when I'm driving, it impedes my progress of getting in the car the next morning. I'm getting tired of climbing over the counsel. Thankfully I'm not a fat ass and can do it with out making a mess. ;) Once I do get the door open, it won't latch closed. When I go to the car wash, both doors freeze.

I started putting de-icer in the door lock mechanism but it still happens. I hate winter!!

Toreador_Red sharing the garage with a hot-rod Pinto
RE: Stuck doors

Hi Lisa, Welcome to the board! I lived in SE MI for many years, and have had the door stick problem with all my cars. The one that works best for me is to treat the rubber gasket seal that goes around the inside of the door, and the latch mechanism in the door, with a silicone based lubricant. The theory being that silicone repels water. Good Luck! :)
RE: Stuck doors

Hi Lisa! Yeah, my driver's door sticks too, but if I'm careful I can still open it, so I don't have to do the climb over. It's worse for me this winter than last, so I'll be watching this thread to see what I need to do to fix mine, too.
RE: Stuck doors

Hmm... i stuck a business card in the window of a red gen 2 a couple months back. I just found your name in the outlook address book, so that was definitely me!

I don't drive mine in the winter, but when i did i would unlock it with the remote, unlatch it, then pull on the top of the door rather than the door handle to get it to budge if it was frozen. I've heard of people using WD-40 or something like that to keep it from freezing.

RE: Stuck doors

Does the lock knob go up and down on that side ? I had this happen to mine but it was the door lock motor inside the door getting frozen.

Dave, +1 :D
RE: Stuck doors

If it's just a matter of the door sticking to the seal, then applying some WD-40 to the door seal works miracles. I do it every year during the winter, about twice a month. Just spray it on a cloth and wipe down the seal.

I've found that WD-40 also helps the Gen1 antennas from freezing in the down position. While it's up, just wipe the antenna before letting it go back into its hidey-hole. :)
RE: Stuck doors

Thanks Scott & Bud (I think you both posted at the same time, either that or Bud wanted to make sure I saw the post due to my misadventure earlier today :7 )!
RE: Stuck doors

Hey guys. Look in your closet! Lemon fresh pledge works for a winter season and adds a nice smell to the interior. Just spray on a towel and wipe the door and door jam areas down real well. Works great!! Thats a good one from Sandy. He told me to try it last year. I now do it to all my cars and trucks.:) :) :) :)
RE: Stuck doors

You all do know what happened, don't you? I did the WD 40 (started having door ajar messages anyway). So, two days ago, the doors stuck even worse than they ever had before!!!!

I did finally get the drivers side open, and then had to pull over cause the passenger side was loose and "opened" after the car had warmed up a bit.
RE: Stuck doors

Yes Bud, I think it was Tuesday morning that they stuck, and it must have been Sunday that I WD40'd them! :eek:

I was surprised that both doors were stuck. I was fairly certain that it was only because it was wet and the drivers door was to the wind that it was sticking. I'll see what happens next time it's wet and freezing. If it happens again, I'm getting the pledge out.