The Kid's Sword


Staff member
The kid has been busy making a sword (I think in the Japanese tradition). He's too much of a wuss to post himself, but he asked me to. So someone tell me - can he get a job doing this for a living, so he can support me in my old age?

It's name is Mizuhana (which means water flower in Japanese). It's not polished up really good because that takes about a month of just polishing. (So he says).
RE: The Kid's Sword

The process to make it is a long one. I'll ask him to get on and post. He does things with fire, and pounding and dremels, I know that much.

And BTW, being a mom, I won't let him make it sharp. }(
RE: The Kid's Sword

[div class="dcquote"][strong]Quote[/strong]
And BTW, being a mom, I won't let him make it sharp. }(

Moms suck. They take all the fun out of weapons. :O(
RE: The Kid's Sword

[div class="dcquote"][strong]Quote[/strong]
And BTW, being a mom, I won't let him make it sharp. }(

That's a very large letter opener.:)

Seriously, the work put into that is impressive.

Lincolns of Distinction
RE: The Kid's Sword

Oops, there went the money making angle of it! Guess there will not be any circumcisions happining ;) ~ Rest assure, I would not mess with John. Since he could make that so perfect, just imagine how sharp is could make it, if he wanted to (and was allowed to.) Heck of a nice model of the real thing....and almost the real thing, at that. Karen is watching a 2-night thing on TV. Spartacus. All they do is kill each other with those same swords! (I told her that they need to go to the Mall instead). Good work, John ! You need a display case, now.
RE: The Kid's Sword

[div class="dcquote"][strong]Quote[/strong]
... Karen is watching a 2-night thing on TV. Spartacus. All they do is kill each other with those same swords! ....[/div]

I did not know Roman gladiators used Japanese swords.
RE: The Kid's Sword

Thanks for the nice comments! I will tell him to get on here and post something (it's like pulling teeth though).

He does have plans to make another one - but is still looking for a special kind of steel. Stanley - I'll ask him if he will make a custom one for you.

The other thing you should see is the metal part under the handle - he carved all kinds of Japanese characters into the metal.
RE: The Kid's Sword

[div class="dcquote"][strong]Quote[/strong]
I love swords How much for him to make for for me!!!

Stanley is so excited he's stuttering!
RE: The Kid's Sword

There are swordsmiths but there's not much demand. Smith & Wesson took care of that. There are many knife makers that make a good living out of their craft. I have several that are hand made. There was an hour special on making swords on the History International channel recently. They spent a lot of time discussing the Japaneese traditions and techniques.
RE: The Kid's Sword

I saw a special on how they make those things. All i remember is that it takes months to make one, and then they go and test it out by trying to chop the head off of a corpse. If it can't take the head off in one swing, the sword is junked.
RE: The Kid's Sword

[div class="dcquote"][strong]Quote[/strong]
I saw a special on how they make those things. All i remember is that it takes months to make one, and then they go and test it out by trying to chop the head off of a corpse. If it can't take the head off in one swing, the sword is junked.

Well, it may not be exactly the same thing, but John's welcome to "test" it out on the flock of Canada geese that's taken over the pond across the street from me. }( I envision a scene like in the movies where the hero slices through a bunch of candles, and the candles stay put until someone rocks the table and they all fall over. .

OK, I guess I'm letting the imagination get away with me. But man, I hate those filthy birds.
RE: The Kid's Sword

I think the kid could make a killing on the chainmail or however you spell that... the vest and particularly the glove were totally amazing! Such indepth detail... it was a little creepy... :eek: