Total Electrical Failure


A couple of months ago I was looking at a totalled '96 Mark
and I was considering buying it for a parts car, it was a beautiful low mileage example before the accident. The owner was from N.J. and recently moved to Virginia Beach, he only had it for a couple of months and he only had liability insurance. :( He also only had the standard headlamps.
Anyway he was travelling down a dark road in the area and it was raining, he said he was only doing about 60 mph in a 40 limit area,he said, on a curve and had a total electrical failure. The engine lost all power and he had no power assisted steering or lights. He went off the road into about a 6 foot deep drainage ditch and the car somersalted 2 or 3 times. I could not believe the damage! There was very few straight panels or undamaged suspension left.
I looked at the battery terminals and they were very corroded and all of the fuses and circut breakers were good so we figure that the culprit was the terminals.
Mine are bad so I'm going to replace them this week. I suggest that you check yours for both cleanliness and corrosion.

Just a word to the wise. :)

RE: Total Electrical Failure


I hate to post this pic again, but if anyone checks their terminals, compare the OEM tin can battery terminals to these:

These puppies are high quality materials, HEAVY duty design and tighten to the battery post with a death grip. Besides, they look cool too!;)

Of course, after a few years they may need maintenance also.