Tranny rebuilders?


After hearing about Magicmarker's problems, it sounds like something many of us has gone through or will be going through with the exception of Sandy.LOL The general consensus seems to be that many of us dislike or distrust companies like AAmco or Mr. Transmission. So has anybody here compiled a list of good transmission shops or of places to order new trannys.

My car has 130k on it and I believe that I'm experiencing a few problems in the tranny. So I would be interested in finding oput more information or options. I've spoken with a member here before and he mentioned that he might rebuild his next tranny himself. So a site to purchase goor rebuild kits should be included also. If we get enough responses maybe we could have this as a informative list on the site.

Geno??? Dennis??? do you guys wanna chip in your .02 cents? Anyone else? Sorry for the long post; but this is something that I think is going to be near and dear for a few members here.