Tranny Trouble?


What are the symptoms of a bad torque converter? My 97 MK VIII had an episode yesterday while my wife was on her way home, the car lurched forward like a parachute was deployed, not sure if lurched is the right word but then the rpm's went up between 2-3k and car would not go above 55mph then she smelt burning rubber and pulled over to and prepared to bail out. We were on the phone and I told her I was on my way to save her, the whole white knight on a flaming red mega ram steed fantasy. I won't bore you with the tow truck nightmare, but 2 hours later my Mark is loaded and ready for the ride home. I drove the car to work this morning without incident but on the way to the tranny shop my check engine light came on, I got the code read P0171 and P0174 system too lean banks 1 & 2. Counter guy said it was probably a vacuum leak.
RE: Tranny Trouble?

[div class="dcquote"][strong]Quote[/strong]
Do you think it could be a vacumm leak?

Burned rubber can mean only one of two things (that I can think of) - the tires (not in your case) or the belt. If you've got a pulley that is starting to seize, it can momentarily jam, causing the belt to skid and produce a rubber smell. Remove the belt and turn all of the pulleys by hand (not the crank). A stiff, wobbly, squealing or grinding pulley needs to be replaced, and everyone is a suspect: alternator, AC, steering and water. Though if your AC compressor is going bad, you can't tell by turning the pulley. Did the car "lurch" while the AC was on?
RE: Tranny Trouble?

Thanks to dirty dog and logres for your input.
Well the tranny shop couldn't duplicate the malfunction and said it must be an engine problem. The check engine light is out which is a good thing but on my way home the car stalled twice while sitting still at a light. The first one caught me off guard but the third time when it started to shutter I slipped it into neutral the rpms yo yo's a time or two and smoothed right out and had no futher trouble the rest of the way home. but it did seem to come under a heavy load before stalling, The a/c was not on for the ride home but was on when the wife had trouble but the a/c was working fine even after she stopped, she kept the car running for the a/c after the burning smell went away.
In the AM I'm going to inspect the belt and pulleys, I should be able to check everything under the hood better w/o it being so hot and not have to worry about the fan popping on.
RE: Tranny Trouble?

What I believe is the source of my "tranny Trouble"...I replace the ruptured rubber hose with some more durable hose, took it for a nice long test ride and no trouble what so ever. thanks again to Dirtydog and logres
RE: Tranny Trouble?

They go from the intake to the pvc valve, there are 2 of them they spilt off a T-fitting and make a 90 degree turn into to top of the intake. the bend is where both collapsed and began sucking the hose back into itself forming that pronographic slit }(