TRUE Aluminum Grill update


Here is a long awaited update.

I should have my first prototype of the new aluminum grill in my hands in the next week or two from what I hear from my fab guys. The aluminum bender has been broken for some time and they now have it fixed. I'm just waiting for the back log of their other work to be completed. I'll have pictures up as soon as I get the grill.

The price is still being aimed at $225, but may go up or down depending on what they give me as the final price for the reproductions.

RE: TRUE Aluminum Grill update

Well, it has been a bit past two weeks...

The factory is "focusing on their bread and butter." They had an order for a few thousand ornaments and think that is more important. Phift! :B

Well I hope that after New Years I will have the prototype.

Once I have the prototype I will start taking orders for the grills. From my initial polls that I did a few months ago it sounds like you guys want about 30 off the bat. I'll be taking another poll soon and those that order in the initial run will get a DISCOUNT.

SO SAVE YOUR CHRISTMAS MONEY if you want one. :+

Hope to have more info/pricing/pictures for you soon.
RE: TRUE Aluminum Grill update

The grills will look as close to stock as the factory can get them. I did this because most people are looking for cheap and quality. There were a few that wanted the horizontal look, but with the slant of the grill it would not be economically feasable (think $400).

What my grills will offer:
-Lower price than the stock plastic grill.
-They will not start flaking after one year like the stock grills.
-They are aluminum so they can be powder coated, painted, or even repolished with Mothers if they start looking dirty.
-They will not break when hit by a rock on the highway.
RE: TRUE Aluminum Grill update

My guy called Friday, the prototype is in and I will be going to fit and finish it on Monday hopefully.

I will take pictures with the grill off the car and on the car if it all fits up proper. Cross your fingers.
RE: TRUE Aluminum Grill update

Refresh my memory, as there has been plenty of beer drinking since we initially started talking about this. Is this for 2nd or 1st gen cars? If it's 2nd, I'm deffinately interested.
RE: TRUE Aluminum Grill update

This is for the first gen cars only at this time. I may be making a second gen grill after this if the demand is there.

Mike Gilbert