Well i never introduced myself


Hello, I am from the panhandle of florida, Now i reside in Lewisville texas. Just outside of Dallas. I have four girls. I am new to the lod site as you all know. but I am not new to the Mark VIII. But ,I am no expert either. I have done alot of stuff with my bestfriend jeff (sierra3). Who I am tring to get to move to Dallas. I had a monte carlo and he had the lincoln and for years I could never beat him. Always 1/2 to 1/4 car behind errrr. So now I have joined him and bought my first Mark VIII. As well as I am hoping to get enough people in the area for a new chapter. I manage a carwash so I sould be able to find the people for the chapter and anyone on here who wishes to help feel free to contact me. If someone could send me the info on starting a new chapter. I will become a lod member payday. four kids aren't cheap, have to keep it in the budget
Welcome! Cool, that'd be awesome if you can get a chapter set up. There's a link somewhere to our charter - it used to be you need 7 members to start up a chapter, but I can't remember if any of that has changed.
Go to the Club Charter - Get to it VIA the Home Page Welcome paragraph...it says this:

Any group of seven or more members of this club may make written application to the Board of Directors for the right to form a Chapter of this club. If a charter is granted, the Board shall specify the name and jurisdiction. The Board may revoke the Charter at any time upon due consideration.


Do Ls's count and I have one coming to the forum tonight so if he comes through I will only have 5 more to go.
Cool, welcome.

Cool, welcome.

I just checked out the pics in your webpage. I still love that pic f the suburban with the 20 foot water roosts back on the range. Chevy rules. haha Even though i want a Ford F450.

Sweet! my posting ability works again! Im at work, but ill check to see if it still works when i get home.