What the heck is wrong with my brakes??


A picture is worth 1000 words. So here are some pics of my dirty rotors. I can't get rid of that resedue... any tips on what to do without removing the calipers/rotors/wheels, don't feel like doing that again. I tried braking hard from 60-5 a couple of times... it seems like the problem only got worse after that.
I have 15k miles on the ceramic brake pads from autozone (will never buy ceramic again.... same amount of brake dust and this)
10k on the OEM brembo rotors.

I'm so sick of this that i'm thinking about getting that 13" brake kit for the mark.

Front right


Front left


Another front left

RE: What the heck is wrong with my brakes??

The pics show typical brake pad residue burnt in the rotor.

FWIW, I scuff up new and used rotors with 3M scotchbrite pads when installing them. Used pads will get a wire wheel buffing to remove any glazing.

I am not a fan of ceramic pads. My old school ways tells me to stick with OEM(Motorcraft) pads and clean the wheels more often.
RE: What the heck is wrong with my brakes??

Ceramic pads work great for me. You're gonna have to pull the wheel to clean that stuff up.