Where is your Mark *right now*

Whiner is still hibernating and the black one is getting reay for a cold shower on the way to cocktail hour.


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Whiner is still hibernating and the black one is getting reay for a cold shower on the way to cocktail hour.

Nice, Roadboss I still love those 5 star cobra rims. Im going to still go with them once i convert the hubs over. Just have to find another black or pearl LSC with moonroof still. I know there out there.
Mine is sitting lonely in the Palmer Avenue Steamship lot in Falmouth. Haven't laid eyes on her in about 2 weeks since the wheel incident. The GF is afraid to drive it now. More for me! :D
Jeremi will be proud to know that mine's been hybernating in a nice warm (friend's) garage since early November under a custom flannel Covercraft cover and fresh coat of wax. :) It will never again be exposed to salt as long as I own it.

Unfortunately I've been informed that the front end is now on the ground. :( Oh well, not exactly unexpected.
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My front end is on the ground too, although it's tough to see in that photo. I don't recall it doing that last year.
all 3 of ours got the pollen washed off tonight, i was gonna take the 97 to the local cruise night, but i have been sick the past 2 days and dont really have the energy to walk around the car show. so, all 3 are in the driveway!!
I soooo envy that driveway with three Gen 2s!!!

I took mine to church this evening (Stations of the Cross - hey it's Lent!), after the snow had melted and dried out, the sun came out and it got to about 44 here. It's back in the garage.
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Parked out front of my crib, word
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Tan's covered in the garage and Evergreen's outside getting rained on.
Still tucked away under a car cover in the garage, waiting for an end to the long winter nap ...
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That's a big condom. Haha