Why Marriage Has Become a Raw Deal for Men

RE: Why Marriage Has Become a Raw Deal for Men

I'm not sure marriage is such a great deal for women; I fell for some guy who talked a good show, but in reality got his jollies sitting in front of the TV with a beer. I made more money than him because I worked more and invested in different things. I kept the house and land up, took care all the bill paying, shopping, cleaning, mowing and cooking. He didn't approve of my horses and cows so I didn't expect him to help take care of them. He didn't care how the place or yard looked, so if I wanted it to be nice I had to be the one to keep it that way.

I put out the initiative to improve things for us; buy land, buy a trailer to put on it, build a barn, and finally to build a house. He sat and drank beer. While I was getting the house built, he was messing around with an alcoholic Denny's waitress who was a friend of the family. He left about the time I finished the house. They're married now and can sit around and drink together all they want. He came into the relationship with a truck, TV, gun and recliner, and that's what he left with----his choice. He took ownership of the trailer but I eventually bought it back off of him since he never moved it off my land. He didn't build the place, and had not invested a dime into the house itself.

I realized after the fact that he was only with me because I took care of all the mundane things and he didn't have to exert himself. I wanted to improve things, and it intimidated him, so he found himself an actual waitress who had the same low standards as he did.

I can't stand the way women are portrayed on TV and in the media as it promotes that shallow, self-serving attitude. I have no use for those women, and they make it hard for the rest of us to compete because so many men expect us to look perfect all the time, and are only interested in "arm candy."

In reference to women making the same money and having the same opportunity as men, hogwash. I make the same money as a male officer in the same rank, but due to the "Good ol' boy" system of promotion I have to perform much better than the men to get the same promotions. Because I don't socialize with the chiefs, coach peewee football, talk sports, and work out with them I'm not in their circle and not on the same promotion path. The problem is that I can't socialize with the guys even if I want to because their WIVES get jealous and won't allow it.

Yes, women can make as much as men IF they don't have kids. For some reason, most women do have kids. Most men sort of expect that. The women are typically the primary caretakers for the kids and they can't invest the same energy into their work as men and they don't advance as much from that point. I'm not a big supporter of stay-at-home mommies, and do not feel like they have it hard. Try working and taking care of the kids, that is much harder and more deserving of respect.

That's my other 2 cents worth.
RE: Why Marriage Has Become a Raw Deal for Men

I see I'm missing a lot, not being married. LOL!
RE: Why Marriage Has Become a Raw Deal for Men

On a side note... my parents are hitting their 50th anniversary next month. And yes they have their moments of disagreement and bickering. I just wish my marrage would have lasted half as long.
RE: Why Marriage Has Become a Raw Deal for Men

There are some true-isums in what he wrote. He's apparently been burned before. I was married 23 years, the last 8 were spent separated while I went through 3 lawyers to her 1 fighting for a divorce she wanted and trying to keep my career going at the same time. Won't go into the specifics but just about everything he claimed can happen did happen in my divorce even after providing proof of infidelity, drug use, abuse and neglect to the children. She now has the home, a large percent of my military retirement, alimony and child support. She didn't work and refused to work our entire marriage. The biggest lesson I learned was besides don't have a divorce in a small town that the same judge you adopted your child through is also your divorce judge and a female. But if you are in the military and she has an ex JAG lawyer you are screwed.

I won't ever get married again. I've already turned down probably the best women I had ever met since all this. I won't go through that ever again.

I was told I was still young and seemed very intelligent so it shouldn’t be hard for me to start all over again. Yeah right at 46 you are suppose to be settled down with a home all paid for and investments going into a retirement fund.

Now if you really want to get some laughs, check out this. This guy has some real issues, he's not right in the head.

RE: Why Marriage Has Become a Raw Deal for Men


Don't count out marriage again. I was also burned. Pre-nuptial agreement is the way to go. I even made Trish sign a "Co-Habitation" agreement before she moved in. Use the lawyers for your benefit, and you will have your butt protected, as I have....
RE: Why Marriage Has Become a Raw Deal for Men

Ron, sorry to say, but pre-nuptial's generally dont hold up in America. Lawyers thrive on setting up a system that requires them. Trust me, my last girlfriend is a lawyer. Day by day lawyers are challenging them and beating them. Plus, most of them only cover what you had prior to the marriage. In Lonnie's case he accrued most of what he had while he was married thus making half of it hers. Sorry, but the system is designed for women. The reason it is this way is because of men taking advantage of women for so many years prior to us being born. At some point the pendulum will swing back the other way and laws will be put in place that make sense. Until then, make sure you know the person that you are promising to spend the rest of your life with.
If quizzes are quizzical, what are tests?
RE: Why Marriage Has Become a Raw Deal for Men

That Ladder Theory is quite possibly the best thing I have ever read...