WTB: need a header panel

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I think he's talking about the radiator core support.
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I think he's talking about the radiator core support.

I thought it he was talking about the headliner panel
are you guys really into mark VIII's? the header panel is the composite plastic piece that the headlights mount into, on a gen 1 you cant see them, on a gen 2 they make up the gap between your hood and the grill, the gen 2's are much lager and part of them is actually painted because its part of the nose.
LMAO....I KNEW it wasn't a headliner but the "header panel" is commonly refered as the core support on most cars I've dealt with. But then again, most cars' headlights mount into the core support. LOL

Jamie, you made the comment that they get "smashed" during shipping so thats why I was hesitant to call it the core support. Hard to "smash" metal, haha.
i may need ur help. the place i ordered the header panel has not got it yet. so if u dont mind could u let me know the shipping price? and if u dont have a dark gray one how about black? thanks
my wife will check the cost of shipping in the morning and i will write back to you as soon as i get home from work.
sorry my father in law says he isnt gonna chance another one, the last 3 he shipped were all destroyed so we were out money, and no parts came back to us since they were trash. its not worth it.