A little clarification on Mod and BOD roles on the forums


Hi everybody!

We've been hit with a massive wave of spam (I think it was just to welcome our new moderators). In dealing with this, I realized I wanted to clarify for the membership here what we do/can do, and what the BOD does in terms of moderating this message board.

1. I had a hard and fast rule of "No Deletions". However, in response to the influx of spam, I am withdrawing that rule for now, as it is taking up too much time for everyone to deal with spam the way we deal with other things. Please trust that only spam is deleted, nothing else here is. I also have given all members of the BOD permission to deal with spam, as we feel it's an easy problem to spot, and the more doing it, the less work for all. In general, the BOD does NOT moderate these message boards.

2. If a post disappears, we may have moved it to the "Trash", which is where posts go if we aren't sure if they comply with the rules of the board or may be duplicates or whatever. We can then discuss them, and decide if it is an OK post, it can be moved back to the appropriate forum, if not, the OP will be notified.

3. We are instructed to not edit your posts unless it is to help you, ie, you post a pic incorrectly, and if someone knows how to fix it they can. WE WILL NOT CHANGE YOUR POSTS in any substantial manner, unless you personally have contacted us to do so.

4. We police each other. We work both autonomously and as a group to best serve your needs here and to enforce the rules of conduct. Do not fear stepping on toes by questioning us, everyone here from Driller to our spammers, are bound by the ROC and we do our best to treat everyone except the spammers equally.

I hope that clarifies some things which some of you might not be aware of, and I hope you will all appreciate the hard work that EVERYONE on the Mod and BOD team and especially MikeCP has done to try to keep the spamming out of here.


Lincoln Evangelist
Thanks Sharon, and your team of crack moderators, for all of your hard work.

Edit: Crack team of moderators? Changing the emphasis, makes that first sentence hilarious.

Mods: Feel free to edit this post to your liking.


Hee hee! OK, seriously if you saw how much spam we've been bombarded with lately, you wouldn't believe it. And I can't speak for the mods, so emphasize however you'd like. ;)


LOL, thats a good one. I was up til 1:40 am so I fall into the crack moderator category.

Got me 13 or 14 spammers in 30 minutes.


With "LOD" Since 1997
Does the site still auto except new accounts? If so you may want to turn that off and approve new accounts. Or it is annoying but you may have to set up where people type in those verification codes from a distorted image so sign up.


El Presidente
... maybe they found a way to crack the image. :confused:
It's been cracked for quite a while. It has various settings of difficulty, but I have been informed it doesn't really matter. It does firewall the site somewhat however, so it's better than none but just not as effective as when it was first introduced.