Bullet-proof Town Cars for sale


New member
That option is too expensive for me. Can you imagine the weight it adds & how much slower the T/C will be.


New member
Nah, just pop a vortech on there and you'd never notice. We know how much you love to mod your cars anyways!

For Help with the 1-2 Repair, how to make kickpods,
A Library of Mark VIII articles,
or some pics of my car, check out


New member
I have no use for a bullet-proof car, but it's undeniably cool and I still want one :)

[font color = blue]Tony - St. Louis, MO[/font]
1998 LSC - Toreador Red/Light Graphite
1987 Mustang GT - Oxford White hatchback


New member
You buy one, Tony and I'll shoot at you to see if it works!!

(I'm sorry....that was bad. I'll take it back).

!!works it if see to you at shoot I'll and Tony, one buy You.