Engine machining


New member
Can anybody recommend a good machine shop for me? I live in Lima, oh. There are a few shops pretty close to me, and even a dealership in town that says they can do it


Best is to go to some local car shows and find out who's got a booth or talk to the old guys and see where they go.


New member
find one that has been in business for years...do research and read reviews...

what are you having built/machined?

many "old school" machine shops wont touch modular heads other than valve replacement or cams. The Modular engine was designed to REPLACE heads, not FIX them...so a true "machine shop" is what you'll need if looking for custom port work or modifications.


New member
I want to have my engine from my 97 rebuilt with forged internals. Plan is to go forced induction, I'm growing bored with the power i currently have lol. I'm having a tough time deciding whether to have this done or just buy a short block online. Most of them I see online are iron blocks tho.


New member
If you are doing this to a modern engine I would try to locate an engine builder who is experienced with the engine you are working on.