Fiberglass Speaker Boxes


New member
Hello my name is Tyler Smith, and I have been making boxes for the MN-12 community for a little while now, and have been asked to also make some for your cars. So basically I’m just gauging interest of serious buyers. If there is enough interest I will ask for a car near Havelock NC, to come over so I can begin a making a mold, for production pieces. These Boxes would fit in your trunk in the area like the pic below. Depending on how big your trunks are will depend on the price, but you can look for anywhere between $160-$200.
OK im not 100% sure on how to upload images here, but

There’s one pic I have some more I can post if you would wish.

And for now I am just gauging interest.



Former LOD President
please PM or email Tyler if you are interested.

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