Gasparilla pirate invasion


New member
This year is the 100th anniversary of Tampa's Gasparilla Pirate Fest. It commemorates the infamous pirate, Jose Gaspar's invasion and capture of the city. He sailed into the sunset after being paid a ransom but not before his pirates looted the bars & grog shops and despoiled all the fair maidens. Of course none of this ever happened but it's been a great excuse for a huge party. Yo Ho Ho and a bottle of rum! Don't miss this great party.

I'm probably going to use the shuttle bus. It's a lot easier than trying to drive to within walking distance of the parade.

This place will help you communicate with other pirates.


New member
Maybe I will see you there Jack. They stuck me on the parade route this year. I had planned to work at a guys house for the evening, but they switched my schedule.

Police Motto: Be Polite. Be Courteous. Have a plan to hug everyone you meet.


New member
If the weather is OK I think I'll be near Davis Island or downtown. I live near where the parade starts and in the past I'd party with friends near there but I think I'll check out the action downtown. Maybe I'll run into an old girlfriend who's aged gracefully. LOL! They're expecting 400,000 or more and many will be beautiful young women. What's a parade without beautiful women?


New member
If the weather is OK I think I'll be near Davis Island or downtown. I live near where the parade starts and in the past I'd party with friends near there but I think I'll check out the action downtown. Maybe I'll run into an old girlfriend who's aged gracefully. LOL! They're expecting 400,000 or more and many will be beautiful young women. What's a parade without beautiful women?

Thats what im saying Jack, I know im gonna be there.. maybe with a few of my own :7