Got a question about an acuator for drivers side


New member
Hey got a question about a door acuator i have to get a new one for the drivers side now because the one i got off my friend was bad and doesn't work i found a place on ebay that sells it but the thing is the picture has the hooks like seprate in a bag is this like mean its bad or do you have to hook them up some how or what let me know i only have this to work on then i have the doors done i just got the passenger side done just done now so now the passenger door opens now and locks and unlocks but here is a picture of the door lock acuator that i found you can see what i mean by the seprate bag help me out


El Presidente
Hmmm... your attachment should be a jpg not a txt.

But I believe I have seen the same on ebay. From what I understand, the 'hooks' are just different styles for different Fords. You choose the one that matches your application and assemble it to the actuator.

Hope this helps.