

Meh. Has anyone else seen it? If you haven't, I'll try not to put any spoilers in here, but I can't guarantee it.

OK, so the movie starts out wayyyyy too slow. It's like soft core porn -- where's all the gore? And since when do you have to go to Europe to get laid?

So here you've got two "heros" whom I am hoping are going to be killed and very soon. I just felt nothing but annoyance with the two of them, so right there, it's hard to like the movie. And especially when you get to the later part of the movie and you just really don't care what happens to them, it's rather anti-climactic.

And then, when they are about to show the first gore (the toe thing), I was ready to cover my eyes -- remember, I had heard how people were getting sick and all from this. So they cut away from it??

So overall - boring beginning, way too stretched out. Not enough gore and torture for a gorey movie, and the ending just leaves you hanging. IMO if they would have cut out the beginning, gone with more gore, and then continued the movie after where it ended, it may have been worth it.

OK, wait, here's spoilers, cause I really don't get this movie.

Doesn't anyone think something is up when Josh the whiner bangs the hot chick from Italy? And that she's actually asking him to do more stuff with her?

And then why didn't they take Pax when he was passed out? Why wait and hope that he follows up and finds the girl randomly in the streets?

And then... how many people would do that stuff and leave the doors open (that scene I think where Pax is going up and down the hallway).

Oh, and don't you think if these kids were backpacking all over Europe they might need slightly bigger backpacks than the ones they were carrying?

And what's up with Pax grabbing his cut off fingers? He gonna hang them on a string around his neck? Cause I'm guessing by the time he gets to a doctor he isn't going to be able to get them reattached.

And why didn't his wound continue to bleed? I didn't think that a chain saw would be cauterizing to the wound.

Oh, and don't you think the prices were pretty low? Wasn't the starting price like 10K?

On a positive note, however, the mean little kids crushing heads and the chick getting run over by the car were cool. But I still don't know how the blond chick died from that little hit she got.


New member
OMG... I can't believe you enjoy the gore so much. I thought it was one of the most gory movies I have ever seen. As the matter of fact it was so sadistic and ugly that I left the movie feeling disgusted.
Either way I don't think I will be watching much more of this gory crap... than again I did go see the Hills have Eyes, I did like that movie a bit more though.


Yeah, I know, I have a weakness for gore. Actually I do prefer a well done movie without gore much better than gore just for gore sake. Like Skeleton Key - I loved that one and no gore that I can remember in that. But it's so hard to find a good scary movie anymore, sometimes I just have to be satisfied with gore. :eek: