I need a broom and a mop...


New member
We better have a meet sometime soon before our aging marks will be total rustbuckets ::roll:: .


New member
Costco has some pretty good deals on batteries if not... Walmart. 15 min and you have the Evil starting right up again. I'm Seriously down to have a meet, it has been way too long. I think we should meet perhaps some time next weekend or the one after that. Maybe even this weekend? But it seems like awfully short notice.


New member
I'm still around, as is Craig and Max. A few others now and then. I still think GGM8 should stay our website - two Mark VIII sites is already more than enough - I don't want to have to do the same with NorCal sites...

[link:www.goldengatemark8.com|Golden Gate Mark VIII Website]
'97 Mark VIII LSC
'96 T-Bird 4.6L