Image Posting Q's


New member
Why is it that sometimes a posted image will show up immediately & other times I get the red X? Even when using the same cut-n-paste technique from my homepage? Should the image be instantly visible when you go to preview the post? I've had mixed success copying the hyperlink from my homepage into various posts. Anyone care to clue me in?


New member
Yes it should be instantly viewable but the browser will cache the picture so you will have to type the URL of the picture, then press refresh to actually see the new pic. This is regarding pictures with the exact same URL.

Caching the picture simply means the browser downloads the picture once, and puts it into your temporary internet folder so it doesn't have to download the image everytime the page is displayed.

Also remember that some servers are case sensitive, and some providers may not allow linked graphics. Remember your image can't be more than 320 pixels wide and 30K in size. Your current pic is 107K and 640 pixels wide. I can see it because I went directly to the URL, but it was a red X. I would contact your hosting company to see what they have to say about it...
