My neighbor's Continental

Hi. My neighbor (and good friend) has a 2000 Lincoln Continental. It's garage kept; in excellent condition. He has a problem I'm trying to help him with (Harold is 88, and doesn't own a computer ... wouldn't know what to do with one if he did).

Recently, his interior light began to stay on after the door was closed. I disconnected the battery (charged it; the light had killed it), and after reconnecting, the same thing happened. His mechanic thinks it's in the door wiring, and indicated a costly (estimate coming) repair.

Anyone able to help with thoughts; direction? He loves the car, and will pay for the repair if that's necessary.


Lincoln Evangelist
Is your neighbor getting the "door ajar" message also?

It's likely a very simple fix. On the Mark VIII, and my dad's '97 F-150, the door switch is actually located within the latch mechanism. just drenching the latch in WD-40 usually does the trick. Just stick the spray-nozzle in a few of the openings around the latch (on the door) and spray away. Open and close the door a few times, and usually the problem clears itself.


Super Senior Associate
Do BOTH (all 4 ?) doors. Don't be afraid to use LOTS of WD40. It it doesn't work in a few minutes, just let it soak in overnight..... 9 out of 10 times this is the problem. If it doesn't work, a replacement switch is in order.


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The trick is making sure you get it worked in there and open/shut the door several times. You should notice the light turns off almost instantly after you've worked it in.
Thanks to all. I see his other vehicle in the driveway. I'm taking the print-outs with suggestions to see him now.

His car is at his friend's garage...the friend was going to give him estimate for tearing the door apart and fixing the problem.

Hopefully, he hasn't gotten the estimate, or given him the go-ahead to fix it yet.