New Midwest Website?


Bill Eynon has been kind enough to host the midwest website up til now, but it seems like the time has come to get our site moved to LOD webspace.

So do we have anyone in the midwest who can put together a nice website and keep it up? Maybe feature one member's car per month, have a current list of members, show events going on, etc?

I have no tech skills so I wouldn't even attempt it, but if we have someone out there who's got the time and knowledge, it might be a nice thing to get us a nice new website.



Actually, we discussed it a bit today at lunch, and hopefully more members can contribute ideas here - but we liked what NorCal has with pics of the members and their cars.


New member
I have a little knowledge of web design, and have time right now. I would be willing to make one but I don't know if I could maintain it long term.

What kind of things would you like on it?

A little info on each member and their car would be nice along with pics from out meets.


That'd be awesome Manuel. What you said sounds good, it'd be nice to have a roster of Midwest members and info on upcoming meets.


New member
OK, I'll start making something. Now we just need to get all the Midwest people to submit a pic and a little something about themselves.
And whatever you guys and gals want on it, email me. Email me to, put something regarding LOD in the subject so I can easily distingush it from spam.

Anymore suggestions on content? I need ideas on graphics...... :)


New member
You're a new group but it looks like you have some good active members John. Just getting the word out, most of the people that drive Mark VIII are car people and love to talk about Mark VIIIs. I get people coming up to me all the time at a gas station, store, a parking lot.....etc. Its really cool. I think Northern Cal will be having some big meets. :)


Manuel, I'll try to get some pics and stuff together this weekend. I think I have quite a bit of stuff from our Chicago meets.


New member
I am not a post theif, but in response to Johnaec's comment about "how few" in Northern California...I cant believe how many Mark VIII's I see on the road lately around here. I see quite a few Mark VII's too, and the owner's look like they are "into" their cars. Spotless, a few personal touches, giving me the eye ball as I drive by, the sort of thing that gives the impression that if I could get them to pull over on the highway, we could get them into this place... but they keep driving alog, in their own, LOD-less world.
If every Lincoln I saw on the road was a member of the LOD-NCA, we'd need more then 20 meg's to post our member's pictures!!!
94 Black/Black M8
95 Champagne/Saddle M8

Bill Eynon III

New member
Ok the Domain name is secured for several years. I will continue to keep it registered. I am using for the registrar. The current site now has an update about the changes happening. I will be removing the site entirely in 1 months time. as of Dec 31 2003 the site will disappear for all eternity. Whoever sets up the new site will just need to tell me the address of the dns servers. I will change them and all will be right with the world. Any questions or comments please send to

I will be creating a large website soley for my own purposes in the near future. Just some things that will be included. A large collection of info and pics of my car. Infor and pictures of Idorapark, a defunct amusement park in youngstown ohio. And pics and memorabilia of downtown youngstown ohio. So be watching for in the near future.

Ok it was a shameless plug!


New member
Thanks Bill! Very kind of you and when the new site is ready I will notify everyone here. :D
Getting close and I'm in the process of putting the member rides section together.
If your Mark VIII isn't listed in that section right now or you need to update it, please email me at and please put LOD midwest in the subject line. Send in a picture (please keep the pic size under 1.5meg so my email doesn't blow up) with your name, screen name, year and model (base or LSC), modifications and any other info you want to add.