Old or New?


New member
hmm... it almoust looks the same... except for the fact that it's now white on black instead of black on white (and font is a little different)... in my opinion you should keep the old... or make a more obvious change.


New member
The black vs white doesn't matter. Thats just how the old one was saved. I started the new one on those colors.

It will be white on black shirts, and black on the ash shirts.
The decals will remain the same pearl silver but they will not come off as easy as the old ones. On the old stickers the web adress would come off fairly easy because the font was so light.

I Like the new fonts alot better then the old ones. I guess Im just tired of the old one too.


New member
Doesn't appear to be much difference. Dropping the www works. The way the font is set up, IMO the web address looks like "uncolnmotorsport". I would image most folks would be able to figure it out however.

Good luck


New member
Keep the old "LINCOLN" font, and drop the WWW...... and why does the Lincoln emblem look a little weird? does that have to do with copy write issues?


A little more work on version two. Here are some additional comments:

I don't see why you don't have a black on white, and a white on black version. There are merits to both and occasions where you need both.
The new font on the bottom line though doesn't seem to work as well as some of the letters appear to touch eachother. Fix the spacing and it's probably ok. I do like the new font for the top line...

Everyone's a critic!


New member
Hi Geno,

I actually like parts of both. The top word "LINCOLN" on the new one is bolder and easier to see. The script in the center is about the same in both. The "WWW.LINCOLNMOTORSPORTS.COM" looks better in the old one. Are you going to have new stickers by the time we go toCarlisle?

Talk to you later my friend.
