resizing jpg's

Pauls dropped 8

New member
i know ive had to do this before but for some reason i cant do it anymore. i just recently got a bunch of pics from one of the members that id like to post but i cant make them smaller. i tried in ms paint and imaging and it just wont work. whenever i go to resize the pic, it basically crops out everything but the size specified instead of just making it smaller. HELP!


New member

M Darrah

New member
If you're just using MS Paint, you can resize by going to "Image - Stretch/Skew". Then in the Stretch boxes, put in something like 50% or whatever. Just make sure you use the exact same number in each box. The results won't be nearly as good as what you'd get with a better program, but if that's all you've got, it'll get you by.

P.S. Don't put anything in the Skew boxes. Leave them alone.