Shine & Show


New member
The BBQ is still a go, been bit busy, wife is due end of Aug. I'll be at the shine and show and BBQ afterwards. Would like to have an idea of how many people. We are down by the river in Bolton, I'll post direction later. Let me know, Thanks, Stef


Neilster is planning on being there. Unfortunately, Heather is working but I am hoping she can make some arrangements to join us.
Thanks for the update...


New member
I'll be there, maybe with spouse et al.

I was going to contact Fines Ford to let them know how many would be attending - am I to assume the BBQ attendees will be the show attendees as well?

It's just a fun show - nothing too serious so the more the merrier!



New member
I talked to Ed Nicholson at Fines Ford in Bolton, Ontario today and he mentioned that he needed to know if there were any LOD members interested in the "Show" part of the August 10th show and shine so he can arrange to have a category for Mark VIIIs.

LOD members wanting to "Show" their car will asked to pay a $5.00 registration fee, otherwise ED will set up a "visitor" area for the LOD members to park.

Anyone interested in the above please respond, we need to let Ed know.


Old Guy - Few Posts
I'm interested in the show part. Might as well be in the ring with the rest of the players, as parked in a "visitor" area. Even as daily drivers we keep our rides pretty clean.

What was the timetable for the show? I expect Rose and I will be there for the show & the BBQ after.
Anybody else bringing kids, or should I drop them off at the kennel?:)


New member
The Shine and Show is scheduled for noon to 4:00 pm on Sunday, Aug. 10th.

Ed said that If you want to show your car, be there before 11:30 AM and we will need to let him know how many from LOD will be there.

Based on the posts above, I assume that the following are going to


Huggybear and I are in for the "show" anyone else?

I told Ed I would let him know this week if a Mark VIII category should be added.


New member
It is really quite simple...ED needs to know how many LOD members want to Show and how many are going to just stop by.

The confusions seems to be that LOD/OCC is organizing a BBQ/outing to Fines Ford and Fines is putting on a car show.
It is a two part question..with a 3rd bonus question.

All questions are Yes/No with only one answer per question:

Are you coming to Fine Ford?
Do want to show your car?
Are you staying for the BBQ?

If Everyone who wants to show their car will simply respond to this thread, I will let Ed know who will attend and he will arrange a category and trophy.

If you do not respond, you will have to be a "visitor" and will not be judges as part of the show.

I have not been involved in the BBQ, but imagine that the numer of attendees should be known in order to prepare.


New member
I'm confused because I didn't know you were organizing the car show part... I thought you went to see Ed to firm up the parts offer that I told the group about. I was already speaking to Ed about approximate numbers, but if you want to finish it off, great.

The BBQ was a suggestion of Stef's after there was some interest in the going to the car show at the last meeting.

Are you coming to Fine Ford? YES
Do want to show your car? YES
Are you staying for the BBQ? YES


New member
I'm not organizing anything, during our meeting Ed asked if 6 LOD members where going to be in the show and I couldn't answer, I told him I thought we where just driving up to see the show, but that I would post a question on our site.

Sorry if I caused confusion, but in reading the post above there was no mention of being "in" the show and on Thursday Ed said he needed to know ASAP.

If you are already arranging it with Ed, I will leave it to you to finish up and confirm who will attend.

Hopefully this thread will at least provide the answers.

The discount to LOD, OCC members on parts purchased at Fines Ford has been arranged, details will be posted as soon as Neilster can update the website.


Regrettbly, it looks as though I won't be able to make this function after all today. I had a pretty serious computer crash this week which means that I have to attend to some business matters on the weekend (no system = no billing).

While I'd like to take the afternoon off and hang out with you guys, I'm going to have to take a pass this time round.

I sure hope the weather stabilizes for you guys. It's very unstable here in The 'shwa"...