Anyone familiar with this one?

i dont know how cars are out in cali max but 5000 grand will get you a hell of nice car down here!

Jamie you do realize that you can't buy a new car for 5k?! haha :p Someone has to do it to feed the pool of used vehicles. So that people like us can get the deals. I can't imagine owning a new car... the original owner of my vette took 25k in depreciation in 18,000 miles... that is well over $1 per mile in depreciation alone!!!
i didnt say new max, you said...
"otherwise all of us would be rolling in $5000 crapboxes "
and i said here for 5000 you can have a very nice car or truck for 5000, sounds like 5000 grand in california might get you a chevette with fresh paint and a 4 speed.
just for example i looked yesterday at a truck near my work for sale, a 2002 chevy 3500 1 ton 2 wheel drive with a factory 8 foot bed but it has a hydraulic dump hoist attached to the bed so its now a dump truck , 67,800 miles, bright red with grey cloth, 6 liter vortec auto with power windows and locks, ac in awesome shape, for 5,898.00 i wouldnt consider that a crapbox!! thats a steal.
Well i was talking about new cars. (since you called anyone who buys new someone who has more money than brains). For $5000 you can't get anything decent new. I mean you're picking up cars that were 37-50k new.. in 1993-1998 dollars which is closer to 60-80k today.

My point is if we never had the original people buying new we would never have any nice cars period. Looking at how the auto industry is doing now... this may not be too far away.
lol Not sure why we're still on this haha
Yeah, but for people who can't work on their own cars, or for example someone on a tight budget who can afford X dollars for a car payment but can't risk more than that on repairs, a new or nearly new car may be the way to go.

I used to buy new. The Mark was technically the first used car I ever bought, and I would have bought new if it weren't for the fact that they weren't made anymore. ;)