Atkins Diet

RE: Atkins Diet

I have been going to Weight Watchers for 22 weeks and have lost 53+ pounds. I always thought before my wife dragged me in, and I listened to them, that Weight Watchers was for Women and Wusses. It is a diet leading to a life style change. You can eat anything you want, as long as you stay within your point range for the day, and you take accountability for the quantity of your food intake. It has worked real good for me. I think it is quite a good alternative to fad diets and poor eating habits.
RE: Atkins Diet

Kev, I just saw this post. Please contact me via my inbox to discuss this. I know ALOT about health and fitness. My mother is a nutritionist, and my cousin is an executive trainer in NYC. I've studied lots on nutrition, and I've been training for many years.

Most of the people who go on the Atkins lose too quickly and will gain the weight back. The Atkins diet can also toxify your blood. It is bad news period. Most of the people who go on the Atkins diet become FAT SKINNY people. IE. They lose weight, and you know WHY they lose it so quickly...they are losing their muscle tone. The lose WEIGHT...remember...weight is NOT as important as bodyfat...period. Muscles also WEIGHS more than fat. When a person loses starts to lose muscle...yes the may lose some fat...but you never want to sacrifice your muscle tone for fat loss...muscle speeds up your metabolism...the more muscle you naturally have on your body..the more fat you naturally burn....Very quickly you can become a fat skinny person...less weight..from less muscle..and maybe a slight fat loss...but in the end looking skinnier..but fat, flabby, and having loose skin..

This is WHY Atkins is so bad for you...

You need to find out your RMR number...people don't realize HOW much food you need to take in to survive every day...most people are underfueled...or...overfueled in one area...and underfueled in other...YES....most people EAT too many carbs...but you need to maintain a balance...something like this...60/30/10....or...50/35/15....That is CARBS/PROTEIN/FAT...and need small amounts of fat...and LACTOSE..(from milk)...they are lubricants and antioxidants and aid in fat loss. You see...once you find out your lean mass...say it's 190 pounds...then if you lay in bed all day..did not lift a would burn 1900 calories. So imagine what you need to eat to maintain your body. Once you know the number(i can help you with this) you then subtract 500 calories. That is 3500 calories a week or one pound. With your cardio can get into shape with diet nonsense...and unhealthy...exercise speeds up your metabolism...and so does eating 6-8 times a day and keeping yourself hydrated...also take a multi everyday...Combined with your cardio you should drop 2 pounds a week. YOU SHOULD NEVER LOSE MORE THAN 2.5 pounds a week...if you DO you are losing muscle and water..NOT fat. PERIOD.

HERE's WHY ATKINS is SO bad...when your body is in a caloric deficit..and it seeks to burn fat(attack fat stores) the body LOOKS to see if it has the proper glucose levels(maintained with the PROPER amount of carbohydrates) in the blood..and insulin levels...if it does it will seek out the fat to burn. If you have NOT taken in enough carbohydrates..then the body IMMEDIATELY attacks(catobolizes) the muscle tissue. PERIOD. NO other WAY...PERIOD.

Listen...I can help you...inbox me if you're interested. You seem like a BIG dude..and you need to be eating ALOT of food everyday...just the RIGHT kind of foods..portioned out. Do you want to look GOOD when you meet your goal...or do you want to have lost "pounds" and look like ass? your choice...

And in case you don't think I know my ass from my elbow on 6-7 monthes i have burned 45 pounds of PURE fat off my body before.

Right now I am 6'1..215.6...16/17% bodyfat...51 inch chest...36-38 waist...17/18 arms...not sure the neck..:) Since mid January I cut my bodyfat by almost 6% and and put on 15 pds! My strength has gone through the roof. My goal is 8-9%...:0

I have also been 234 and 13-15% I KNOW what the hell I am talking about.

What is your age? Also your numbers seem a bit are tall? 52 and a 38 inch waist...I am a 38 on a bad day...18 neck...I think the waist is a bit off...;)
RE: Atkins Diet

And no offense Kev...your friend is an idiot...:)
She should be STRIPPED of her nutritionist title...period.

PS- your first step should be to have your body fat me for more info on this.
RE: Atkins Diet

PSS- Ask BADSAX...he came with me to the gym a couple months ago and his exact reaction was..OMG you look so much leaner and your chest is like twice the size...
Is Iceman a Doctor?

Is Iceman a Doctor?

So let me get this straight. "I've studied lots on nutrition, and I've been training for many years". Yeah, that's great. So has my fiancee (carded Canadian athlete, Cirque Du Soleil performer, HK in University, former University record-holder, Olympic Trials, etc.) So what does that mean? That you know more than a doctor? The inventor of the Atkins diet is a doctor. I figure he may have "studied nutrition" a bit too. A cardiologist to boot. But yet, through his YEARS of research, he missed these simple points you have pointed out. Stupid him. Guess the other doctors who have done diets that work (South Beach diet was also done by a cardiologist) are daft as well. Apparently, the doctors whose report was released in May by the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine (arguably the finest medical journal in ALL of America) are lunatics too.

The diet DOES work. But the diet was made for people who are OBESE. How much lean muscle mass do you think a seriously obese person has? Very little. They have little to loose and lots to gain with this diet. They need something to "jumpstart" their metabolism, and this is it. They simply can't or won't go to a gym.

You on the other hand...your body has reached the stage where it is now a "furnace". You must feed that machine, because it can burn off alot all on it's own. And the Atkins diet for you would surely cannibalize your muslces. And yes...carbs are a definite building block for putting on lean muscle mass. But remember..the diet was made for obese...and until they gain enough flexibility and mobility, the loss of carbs in their diet is a non-issue.

And while we're at it, I could use the blanket statement that a body-builders diet is no good, is unhealthy, dangerous, is hard on the body and should never , ever, be eaten by anybody, ever, anytime** My pal, who is a bodybuilder (he also "studied lots on nutrition, and has been training for many years"..but I don't believe everything he says) regularly eats 8-10,000 calories a day!!! If you or I tried that, we'd be fat pigs hardly able to move in a matter of weeks. But that doesn't mean it is unhealthy...just unhealthy for me..and maybe you.

And as far as dieticians go or nutritionist..well I'll listen to a doctor long before I'd listen to one of them. They are poorly educated on this topic, since concrete evidence and studies on the diet are very new. Heck, many nutritionist/dieticians still go by the old food pyramid!! So who do I listen to..a nutritionist, or the New England Journal of Medicine...hmmmm...tough call. Not! (To compare the 2, a nutritionist = gas pump jockey; Doctor = SAE Certified Gold Mechanic..who do you listen to to repair your car?)

I will sum up by saying that some of your points were correct, however you made a blanket statement that was incorrect. And as you know all diets don't work for all people.

**Unless you have 3-5% bodyfat
RE: Is Iceman a Doctor?

RE: Is Iceman a Doctor?

Snapple Fact: You have to play ping-pong for 12 hours to lose 1 pound.
RE: Is Iceman a Doctor?

RE: Is Iceman a Doctor?

ok, time for the end of the week check in.

I havent been around here for a little bit, been really busy at work.

Anyways, I have been doing some more research and talking to some more people (including a cardiologist) about it, and i really dont like what it does to your body. Yeah, I lost 16 lbs (now 250), but i dont have the energy that I used to, im always tired and I do feel weak. Hopefully I wasn't doing this long enough for it to have adverse effects on my body. On that note, i am done with the atkins diet as of NOW.

JD, you were right. Sorry for flipping out. I just need to re-evaluate what I do take in and what i am doing to burn it off.

Thanks to everyone for your encouragement, words of wisdom and indispensible knowledge, but i couldn't down it until i tryed it.

Ending stats after 6 days:
Weight: 250
Neck: 18"
Chest: 50"
Waist: 37"

IceMan: I am 20 years old, 6'4". 16" arms, 21" upper leg, 19" calf. I play rugby and throw the shotput and the discus, so most of my previos training has been focused on the legs, which, would account for their disprortionate size.

I would not recomend this diet to anyone who wants to loose weight to feel good or anyone that is an athlete.

My body hates me right now...
RE: Is Iceman a Doctor?

RE: Is Iceman a Doctor?

in response to the whole doctor thing...doctors are stupid. they skip scientific fact and look to whats going to line their pockets as well as their collegues. iceman is 110% correct. go pick up any book about human nutrition and youll see that everything that he has stated is pretty much the basics to good health. i myself am in the process of getting my AA in nursing so im having this stuff rammed into my head semester after semester. go over to and type in atkins diet and see how many nutritionists really think that guy was a quack. its another fad diet that does more damage than good.
RE: Is Iceman a Doctor?

RE: Is Iceman a Doctor?

I'll chime in with my Atkins weight loss experience... and my exercise weight loss experience .. and my current corpulent state.

After I quit playing football in my second year of college (1991), my stats were:
Weight: 329
Height: 6' 1"
Waist: 52
Chest: 56

From 1991 - 1994, I started on an exercise program (treadmill jogging 1.5 miles/day, stationary biking for 30 minutes/day, and basic situps/pushups/some weight training.) I also limited my total calorie intake to 750/day. By 1994, my stats were:
Weight: 195
Height: 6' 1" (I didn't get any taller)
Waist: 36
Chest: 42-44

From 1994 - 1998, I stopped the exercise program entirely, tried to watch what I ate (no strict calorie limit) and here's what happened by Jan '98:

Weight: 260
Waist: 44
Chest: 46-48

I then tried Atkins in connection with a light exercise program for all of 1998, and these were the results by the end of '98:

Weight: 241
Waist: 42
Chest: 44-46

(Atkins was the absolute worst way to lose weight. My body was in protest in at least one way or another the entire time. No energy, unreal loss of muscle mass, etc.)

For the past 5 years, I've done no exercise, and sort-of watched my diet (but I have been known to eat half-gallons of ice cream in 3 days). As of yesterday, I'm

Weight: 275
Waist: 44-46
Chest: 50-52

Time to do something. So. Looking back, and applying an appropriate discount factor for my increased age, I figure that my realistic target weight is 235. (I looked like a bobblehead at 195, and I can't seem to maintain any weight under 240.) How best to do it? Based on my experience with mutiple methods, the answer is shocking:

Eat LESS calories, and do MORE exercise!

Now, all I have to do is begin. It used to be kind of funny to look in my closet and see pants from size 36 - 52. But it's not funny anymore now that I'm wearing the pants from the far right side of the rack! :D
RE: Is Iceman a Doctor?

RE: Is Iceman a Doctor?

Scott, I want to see one of those "football days" pictures. :)
RE: Is Iceman a Doctor?

RE: Is Iceman a Doctor?

Sharon - I'd love to show you a pic - except I think they've all been shredded! LOL Trust me - I was *not* a sight to see! :D
RE: Is Iceman a Doctor?

RE: Is Iceman a Doctor?

Just to throw something in that'll piss a few people off, you LOSE weight, not LOOSE weight.

That girl in high school was LOOSE. You have LOOSE change in your pocket. But you LOSE your car keys.

I really don't know why such a simple word is always misspelled.
RE: Is Iceman a Doctor?

RE: Is Iceman a Doctor?

Im not intrested in losing weight, just maintaing, but in a healthy way
.. Age : 70+
Ht : 5'11
Wt ? I weight 160-164 each night before hitting the sack, with fat at 14.5-16. When I get up I weight 160-162 with fat at 17.5-18

I guess I eat about normal/
Brksft 2 scrambled eggs, 1 piece toast,
Lunch 1 sandwich, meat and cheeze
Supper meat, veg, bread, salad gravy sometimes.
1 candy bar afternoon. Usually work 10-12 hrs a day.
3-4 absolute and oj in the evening, or 2-3 beers/

Please dont say I need more exercise. Believe me I get plenty.
Between the horses,farm, hay, and job.
Im not intrested in more muscle, just dont want to flop over with a cornary:(.
Waist is 32
BP is 114/64, heartrate 64
Any advice appreciated iceman.. Jack
RE: Is Iceman a Doctor?

RE: Is Iceman a Doctor?

"But it's not funny anymore now that I'm wearing the pants from the far right side of the rack!"

Man you have too much free time if your pants are sorted by size from left to right!

94 Mark VIII, Black / Black