Heartburn Problem

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My thoughts too Mike. Coffee is not a dietary supplement. I frown at the chippies that NEED coffee or a HUGE energy drink every morning to wake up. I have never drank coffee before and despise energy drinks. Pepsi is my guilty pleasure, but one a day tops, usually water when I'm at home.

+1 at Bud's comment.

So you dunk your donuts in Pepsi?
I for one will agree with the go to a Doctor as I started having the same problem. I did go to the doctor and he did give me a script for it as well as an appointment for the EKG. I tried and called for the EKG and never got the return call so I left it and the script took care of the heart burn. NO EKG done, six months later I had the heart attack.

I am not trying to scare anyone but it was a sign for me and I missed it. I am ok now but it could have been looked after properly and my wife would not have been put through so much.

Go to the doc and get checked, it could save your life.

Oh yeah forgot to mention I was 43 at the time.
Jamie.... your attitude sucks..... did you ever think on how selfish you are? I think your wife and kid deserves a better response from you......

sure bud, they do deserve a better response for sure, but i live here in this country like most of us, and like many people in this country i dont have insurance, and you try going to a doctor when you dont have insurance and see if you can afford the bill, because i know i cant, i barely make enough money to keep my family in a house with food, so would it be better for us to live out of a car and have no food, or would it be better for me to go see a doctor about my problems? i cant afford to pay for a private insurance plan outside of my work, and my employer doesnt offer a plan because we are too small a company, so that pretty much leaves me selfish doesnt it! maybe i can move them all up to canada. there is nothing i would like more than to go get myself all spruced up, but i can see reality quite easily and its never gonna happen unless someone hands me a winning lottery ticket!
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....and I worked in a company of 4 people and WE were offered a company insurance plan. I declined it because my military retirement plan was better, but the other 3 had it. There ARE plans out that that are affordable....some companies are just too cheap to offer it!
well maybe that is the case where i work, but i get a paycheck and right now i need it more than anything, so i cant quit and go looking for a company that has insurance! so this was the card i was given and until i can change i have to live like this. stone you dont have to though, i would go get checked out, better to find out nothing is wrong than to not go and find out something very bad is wrong.
Jamie, just change your last name to Jose Juan Martinez and tell them you don't have a social security number, you'll get bumped to the front of the line!
I just had an EGD yesterday; they are not a big deal. Just need to fast after midnight, you go under for about 10 mins then you leave 30 mins later.

As to Jamie's issue, this is the crux of the healthcare issue. Hospitals can’t refuse care to anyone in distress. So when Jamie has to go to the ER with a serious issue it will cost the payers a whole lot more then if we had a system where it was affordable for him to proactively see a Dr and get help before things get serious.
I just had an EGD yesterday; they are not a big deal. Just need to fast after midnight, you go under for about 10 mins then you leave 30 mins later.

I had a EGD back in 2008. Probably need another one :(
Going to call tomorrow and get an doctor appointment for next week.

Been working at the same company for 6 year . At one point there was just me and the boss working. Now we have 6 plus the boss working now and we just got insurance back in Dec 2010.
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Not true, anyone with cardiac symptoms, young or old, gets an ekg/ecg an egd is a gastric test, get both.
Wirelessly posted (Droid 2, cldnt afford iPhone : Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.2; en-us; DROID2 Build/VZW) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1 480X854 motorola DROID2)

Not true, anyone with cardiac symptoms, young or old, gets an ekg/ecg an egd is a gastric test, get both.

i got an ekg last week because i am having surgery next week and it was required for pre admissions testing.
I think I have e coli. I took my girl out to eat 3 weeks ago and she said she have e coli now.
She having the same problem as I'm having but she went to the doctor first.

Sent from a windows phone
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Everyone has e-coli its whether your body keeps it in check or not. Did her dr diagnose her?
Wirelessly posted (Droid 2, cldnt afford iPhone : Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.2; en-us; DROID2 Build/VZW) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1 480X854 motorola DROID2)

Everyone has e-coli its whether your body keeps it in check or not. Did her dr diagnose her?

Yes. She told me last night after the bar. She said I need to get check out too
Whats funny I told her to go to the doctor because she been having problems :(
Stone- I hope you got or are getting to the doctor so he can get to solving your problem. I can tell you that when I first had "Heart Burn" it lasted longer than I thought it should and was pretty severe pain (about 12 years ago). Turned up to be a peptic ulcer which is a sore on your stomach lining and if left untreated can eat its way thru you lining. I still suffer from them today but not as often as I found some preventive medicine and have a pain blocker to get me thru the couple days it takes for it to heal. These develop, typically, for any number of reasons which include spicy food, stress, allergies, and even the change of weather (extreme hot to cold and vice versa). Mine usually occur with the big swings in temps.

In any event just wanted to add some more info for you, but best you get to the doctors as mentioned above.