I wrecked my CE

Thanks again everyone.

Luckily I only have liability on my cars, so through the years, I've saved more than enough money to pay for this myself.

Plus, I don't have to deal with that insurance scam nonsense.:D
I'm a little late replying, but just wanted to echo everyone else by saying I'm glad you're alright and hope you'll be able to fix it. It's still a bummer though.
Sorry to hear about your Mark but at least you are ok and air bags didnt deploy. It def looks fixable.
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How you gonna make that Ram hood fit on the Mark? ;)
That sucks.And such a nice car to.No one got injured and that is always a big plus.

Something like this happened to me also in my Mustang.

A lady stopped in front of me to turn to her house and I just slammed in her bumper.I got home and got the mail and my insurence was canceled.That was to damn funny.We did exchange insurences but we really didn't have to,her bumper was fine.

After my accident that put me in the wheelchair I got served to pay back the insurence.And one day I drove by her house and there was a wall all of the sudden.

Every time I drive by the house I say "I payed for that wall",LOL.