One pic to summarize Ike


There are many photos of Ike, some probably better than this. But when it comes to the physical destruction, this sums it up pretty well.

I hope those ppl were smart enough to evacuate... sounds like they were...

Thankfully this storm didn't cause many casualties.
That is the town of Gilchrist, population around 800...

most of the folks did not leave, they tried to leave at the time they were told to evacuate and by then the "pre storm flood" had already closed the roads.

The death toll is low because the dead people were washed away with their houses.

It'll be a day or two before the dead begin to float, then watch the death toll rise by a large margin.

the area around here is in different stages of utter devastation

the coast guard called off "rescue operations" today and began what is called "Recovery" operations.
They dont do "recovery operations" when people evacuated.

There are MANY dead, many un accounted for... it a very very sad deal for those folks.
wow, pretty much only once house still standing in that whole pic. Looks like the new building codes should parallel how that one was built.....
if you think thats sad, search the internet for the pictures of the hundreds of caskets that floated up out of the dirt and are all over the place. they said over 120,000 people ignored evacuating, like tommy said, give it a little time, the death toll is going to go alot higher than anyone thought. such a shame, katrina was bad enough, now this too, and just to think that was supposed to slam into florida, they say better them than me, but even in this case it wasn't better that it hit anywhere, people down played this storm because it was a cat 2, but it was over 600 miles in diameter and the pressure was insane , it was a very tight storm the winds near the center were consistent the whole time thats what made the surge so high. i feel bad for all the people affected but IKE regardless if they evacuated or not.
Send me the plans I want my house built like that one. I agree, evacuated or not they still have to deal with this devastation but if they left at least the only thing that was hurt was their home. I hope everything goes well with the clean up effort.
That's really sad to see. :-(

it really is, but with every passing day.. we're hearing more good news from people and as expected bad news in regards to other people and such.

it's gonna get far worse before it gets better.

We're blessed to have a home to live in that has power and water, so many others lost that much and... more.

There are new pictures coming in almost everyday and lots of chatter on the this local news message board.
They have Galveston.. and other Galveston County forums up... lots of "chatter" and alot of frustrated people
if you think thats sad, search the internet for the pictures of the hundreds of caskets that floated up out of the dirt and are all over the place.

that is what happened in the town outside of "high island" which is the eastern end of the affected region.
many new graves were floated and alot of old graves as well.

it is a very very bad deal for the entire area.

horrors stories are quite commom..
I am betting that the builder will be picking up some new jobs. I hate to say it, but its good publicity for that business.

On a side note. If the rebuilding of the area takes place, why not build to a better standard? Happens in earthquake prone areas, right? I believe similar efforts could be made.

The pic still amazes me every time.
On a side note. If the rebuilding of the area takes place, why not build to a better standard? Happens in earthquake prone areas, right? I believe similar efforts could be made.

That's pretty much how it's done - rebuilding takes on new building codes. Many areas have building codes that require much higher standards of construction for storm risks. Problem is most do not require current buildings to be retrofitted to meet the new construction codes. Then of course you have rural areas which have no government oversight and as such no stringent codes to adhere to.
doubtful many will be allowed to rebuild... the elevation of the penisula changed so drastically and technically it's not a penisula any more, it's now actually "3 barrier islands" which will change out and IF people will be allowed to rebuild.

At last count there were 15 people still on the penisula/islands..
When they leave, they are not being allowed to return.

They have "baited" them into leaving by setting up a "Point of Distribution" at what is called "High Island" which is a great distance from this actual area...

But.. once they leave..they aren't letting them back in with supplies...

There is a huge uproar going on over this.

now they are speculating of 100's if not thousands of "non survivors"...based on who left, who was rescued and "who is no longer to be found".
most of this area is an "unincorporated" part of the "county".
There aren't many IF ANY "city building codes" persey.

There are codes that must be met if they want to be able to be "insured" though.

With that said... unless the "new structure" isn't 13 feet above MSL then you cant/wont be allowed to rebuild.

AND.. you have to be "X amount of feet" behind the natural vegatation line as well.. and if you look at the pictures.. there IS NO "vegetation line" any longer.

Many if not ALL of that area.. just became "STATE PROPERTY".. sorry to say.
We had Katrina people and now Ike people. I wish them well, but there are a few who do nothing but give us trouble here. Reminds me of when Castro let his prisoners come to Miami as part of his goodwill. Bastard.