FS: 1996 Lincoln Mark VIII Clean Custom


New member
I have had a LOT of fun and won many shows with this car, however I think it is time to try to sell her.

71,000 Miles.
Custom paint/ Ground effects kit/ Rims+tires/ Stereo/ Interior.
Also included stock rims with tires, and all stock stereo equipment.
Super Super Clean!
$8,500 OBO.


Mike P

Staff member
Wirelessly posted (iPhone 4s, better than J's! : Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 6_0_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/536.26 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/6.0 Mobile/10A523 Safari/8536.25)

Nice car but steep price. You might as well join the club


New member
i can see a group of what looks like SHOs in the background of that second picture. lol.
and man, stock mark rear brakes look soooo tiny!
and it has the ground effects kit some people go nuts over.

neat color. where is the car located?


New member
Chris, good eye on the SHO's, The picture was taken at Carlisle (you are correct Steve, what a fun time!). The car is located in Michigan.