1st Annual JBMDL Car Show-good and bad


New member
A few weeks ago I opened my big mouth on the joint base cars facebook page and asked if anyone was interested in having a car show on base. One thing led to another and today I was put in charge of organizing a car show for the whole base and anyone from the surrounding area. :eek:

I have no idea what i'm doing, but it will be a blast to organize. :eek:

What all do you think I will need to make this a success? I have already thought about:
goodie bags
and a DJ/speakers

The bad news is the date. June 7th! I will be missing the first day of Carlisle to put on a car show in south Jersey. :cool:


New member
Dash plaques, raffle(s), silent auction, ice cream...
Ahhhh. Dash plaques. That is something I forgot.

Raffles and auctions will depend on what we get from sponsors. I have contacted a few companies. Any good companies?

Ice cream might be a bit more than needed if we have the family fun day next door. :)


New member
@Joe. Make sure to have a meeting to determine when you will have this meeting. :D

@Mike. It's part of another event, so the date is set. :( I'll be driving over Friday evening. Should be there around 8:00PM :cool: