2002 mercury cougar head bolts


New member
I am rebuilding the engine on a 2002 mercury cougar with a 2.5 L Duratec V6 DOHC Engine Can I reuse the orginal head bolts or do I have to buy new ones? I really don't want to put out another $200 for new head bolts if I can get by with reusing the orginal ones.


El Presidente
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It would be a safe bet they are typical FLM "torque to yield" specs and as such they are NOT recommended to be reused. Not 100% sure, but I'll take bets they are.


According to alldata, do NOT reuse the bolts. Let me know if you want the torque sequence and specs, it's pretty specific and includes loosening after tightening.


New member
I will go ahead and spend the extra money and get the new head bolts. Better Safe than Sorry Thanks for the replies