2014 Dues Reminder


LOD Officer
This is a reminder for everyone for the 2014 membership dues.

The membership year is January 1 to December 31. Any new member who paid their dues after September 30 will be considered paid for the following year.

$20 annually entitles you to receive:

•Full membership status in the Lincolns of Distinction
•Club Decal(New Members)
•Annual Membership Card
•Vendor discounts
•Access to Member's Only forums
•Posting in Member's Rides forum
•Posting in Vendor forums
•Posting in Vendor Review forum
•Posting in Chapter forums
•Upload profile picture
•Larger Custom Avatar
•Custom Title
•Ability to upload images directly to message board
•Increased private message space
•Increased signature space and images
•20MB webspace
•Email address @ mark8.org

There are several methods available to pay your dues or join the club.

Pay via PayPal available from the home page link.

Pay via PayPal using the paid subscription feature of the message board available via your user control panel. This is the preferred way for forum users.

Please note the recurring feature of the paid subscription is NO LONGER EFFECTIVE. This means you have to renew each year.

You may also use the traditional mail in method.

If you are a club member, I urge you to renew and not let your membership expire!

If you are not a member and like what you see around here, join up and become a member of the Lincolns of Distinction Car Club, Inc. and introduce yourself in the member introduction forum.


LOD Officer
I have emailed reminders to all 2013 members that have not yet renewed. If you get one of these emails and you have already renewed for 2014, please PM or email me the date you paid your dues and I will search out your dues payment. If you have a Pay Pal receipt, please email a copy to me. My email address is jjheep at uwmail dot com. If my email to you bounces back, I'll give you a PM about it.

If you did not get a renewal email and you have not already renewed for 2013, please email or PM me with your correct email address.