28 Weeks Later


New member
Wow this movie shocked me a bit. I was expecting a cheesy sequel but it actually delivered. I don't like giving out and specific details, so no spoilers here. It is a very scary movie, best seen in a theater due to the size of the screen and the audio system. It won't ever have the same effect at your house. The downfall of the movie is the very illogical way in which the second outbreak occurs because it makes the first 30 min of the movie almost irrelevant.

I would give it a 7.5/10. If you saw the first one (28 days later) and liked it this one is a MUST see.


New member
The first one had more character development, but this one easily had a bigger budget, and it showed. Overall, I enjoyed it!


I saw it, but didn't like it very much. Too predictable. And WTF is up with those camera bouncy shots? They make me nauseaus and make it really hard to see the gore.