4.6 liter swap into v8 ls


New member
hello guys i have a 2001 ls v8 and my question is can a cobra 4.6 be swapped into this car? would love to do a manual conversion also but i dont even know where to look or begin.. any help is appreciated.


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This will be like any other conversion, you'll have to find a transplant engine/trans/harness/intercooler/etc and completely redo the motor mounts and all the accessories, I'm sure you'll have to modify the firewall too. Not to mention getting all the gauges and stuff to work.

Anything is doable, but do you have 2 years and 15 grand to get it done? A lot of people have put the Cobra stuff onto the Mark 8 4.6 but its easier because it's pretty much the same setup minus the supercharger.