WTB: 94 Mark VIII shop manual


This looks like a great deal. I just wish their were an easier way to get all this books onto CD.

I have the 96 EVTM scanned but I have no way of threading the PDF files together.


New member
I'm a hardware guy with these compoooters. I have a neighbor that does all my software. Next time he's over here, drinking my booze, I'll ask him how to do it.


I've downloaded some questionable items from the interweb, so I'm a little weary of downloading "free software"

Tony I can burn them all on to a CD if you figure out a way. It's literally 96 files with 7 pages individually scanned.

My dream someday is to have the complete manual for the car on a touch screen in the car.


New member
Lol, I hear you. Been there, done that myself. I have used their product for years. The tools are free. They have a shareware program for making fillable pdfs. I have it, too. Cheap and works great. The tools let you merge, reorder, rotate, crop, add watermarks, etc.


New member
Thanks, but I'm keeping my 94, and I want a book for that year to stay with the car. I have a 95, but little things might be different