Aftermarket hood for Gen2's


New member
Hey guys,

I found a place to make hoods for the Gen2's. If anyone is interested please PM me. They need a minimum order of 10 and they said the cost was $650 but may become lower if there is lot of orders.

David O'Donnell
'97 Mark VIII LSC "Maxine II" (RIP Maxine I, 5-16-03)
'91 Mark VII BB "Monica"
'67 Thunderbird "Molly"


New member
I had talked to the vendor about the cobra hoods but they said that they could do any popular styles.

David O'Donnell
'97 Mark VIII LSC "Maxine II" (RIP Maxine I, 5-16-03)
'91 Mark VII BB "Monica"
'67 Thunderbird "Molly"


I think it's great that you're working on this David. Unfortunately, I just don't have the money for a new hood right now. Good luck with it though - I hope it works out.


New member
Yeah, its hard to get people going on something like this. The manufacturer only wants a minimum of 10 orders so hopefully by the end of summer we'll reach it and get thing rolling.

David O'Donnell
'97 Mark VIII LSC "Maxine II" (RIP Maxine I, 5-16-03)
'91 Mark VII BB "Monica"
'67 Thunderbird "Molly"


New member
sharon you have full coverage, just let me beat the crap out of the hood persto changeo new hood


New member
I like that idea, hail damage anyone!

David O'Donnell
'97 Mark VIII LSC "Maxine II" (RIP Maxine I, 5-16-03)
'91 Mark VII BB "Monica"
'67 Thunderbird "Molly"


New member
couple hits with a rubber hammer, there you go, or you can drive like jon and ride peoples ass till you hit them.