Anti-Theft circuit


New member
I have a problem with my 96 Mark VIII, aparrently the anti-theft circuit is not recognizing the key or key fob and will not allow the car to start. I can bypass it using a probe and power from the battery, but going under the hood everytime I want to start the car is pain.
Has anyone else had this problem?


New member
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.3.6; en-us; MB865 Build/5.5.1-175_EDMR1.25) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1)

There are tuners that bypass it, I believe.


New member
engage brain before mouth

I feel like a real dumbsh*t, the aftermarket anti-theft key located below the dashboard was removed. I guess it real works, it stopped me from driving the car. From now on it is check the spark, check the fuel, and check the Silencer key.
Thanks for your help.


New member
With the key on, I used a powered probe to bypass the lead to the solenoid. Apparently the Silencer key system disrupts the starting circuit only, and once the power is provided by the probe, it starts. Without the Silencer key in place, you would have to use this bypass every time you want to start the car.