Avatar Images???


LOD Officer
My youngest daughter drew mine. I then scanned it; reduced the pixels down to legal size (it started at over 1 meg) and saved it to my area.

I don’t have a clue how you make them move.


LOD Board of Directors
To get an Avatar image go to http://www.lincolnsclub.org/cgi-bin/dcforum/dcboard.cgi?az=user&command=change_profile and click on "choose one from following images" under Avatar Image.

You can make your own 48 by 48 pixel Avatar by making an image in any graphics program. Making an animated image is a little more involved, but can be down in many graphics programs by creating and saving the images as a "gif" file. To use the avatar image you created, you must uplaod it to awebiste and then post the URl of the image in the Avatar area of your profile. As a LOD member you are entiltled to some free webspace on the LOD server as part of your benefits.

Lincolns of Distinction