basic oil change question


New member
I meant to post this a couple months ago, when I changed the oil filter adapter gasket,but anyway ,long story short....I usually take the mark in for o/c but since I was changing the gasket, i changed it at home....How the heck do you get the oil filter out without a hassle?After screwing with it and cussing i finally had to dent it and drop it down, and it was a pain getting the new one up in there, there has to be an easier way, I know some lincolns you turn the wheels all the way to one side and it drops out, are there any secrets I am missing, until there is an easier way, i will just go to a quick lube joint or dealer....let me in on the secret!x(


Former LOD President
i do the oil changes on my blazer, but i pay someone to do the lincoln. Even if it's paying a buddy $10. That filter is a PITA, not to mention the trouble of getting it up on a jack.