Blinker Fluid


New member
1. Drop the subframe
2. Drill holes in the bottom of the housings to let the old fluid out, may need to be big if its old and chunky
3. Flip them upside down and fill them then cap them off.
4. You may as well do this with the frame down but you can drill your brake lines so they dont overheat
5. Reinstall frame
Im not a fan of the conventional fluid tbh it just doesnt last long enough


New member
I have a great blinker fluid story for you....hold on, Bruce lee is about to kick some ass...back to the story..

Many years ago. In a town Far Far away a budding Mark 8 owner worked at a Jiffy Lube. A common joke was to yell up at the guy upstairs and tell him things like the blinker fluid or muffler fluid needed to be changed. One time, a young 16 year old kid (not me) believed this and tried to sell the customer blinker fluid. This customer was PISSED OFF and the owner happened to be their that day. and he was an owner who took his business seriously. This customer laid into the onner about why his people thought he was some sucker. Man, I never saw a boss sooo angry.


New member
A lot of places will sell you stuff you don't need. I was going through the paperwork I got with my 94, 57K miles. Previous owner paid for (2) rear brake drums. But they topped off the blinker fluid for free.


Lincoln Evangelist
I love that James' first step is "drop the subframe."

and I always thought the filler port was right behind the blend door...