closest race EVER!


New member
I dare you to beat this time slip, and have video proof to back it up. :)

for all you bracket drag racers out there who understand dial ins and MOV(margin of victory).

for you.
I was in the right lane, dragging the brake pedal to bring him in close at the stripe...I brought him in a little closer than I should have!

note the MOV!..(do the is not an error...the tower told me it was actually .00000x (the clocks wont count back any further).

here's in "in-car" helmet cam video to show just how close!

Ford nut

New member
Awesome, love the top end best part look...look...look LOL hard to judge a higher MPH car.
He had the RT but your 60 ft was killer.
Nice win!


El Presidente
Nothing beats fender racing at the track. :)

Doing the math...

Dial-in minus ET plus RT equals 'package'.


At 114.15 mph, the distance for the MOV breaks down like this...

0.100 = 16.7' = 200.9"
0.010 = 1.67' = 20.09"
0.001 = 0.167' = 2.009"
0.0001 = 0.0167' = 0.2009"
0.00001 = 0.00167' = 0.02009"



With "LOD" Since 1997
I would give the win to the left for the better RT ;)

And what cars were racing with those fast times?