Console Spring for 97-98


Lincoln Evangelist
Mine too.

The latch for the cupholder is another matter entirely. I'd love to see one of those machined out of aluminum, instead of the long plastic lever with the pivot in the middle.

Still, the more spare parts available for these cars the better, in my opinion.


Spring Poll

Yeah I know I had to replace both springs on my 2 Marks and had to have them custom made and just did not know how widespread the problem was or if it was worth spending the time and money to have them made in quantities.



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John, I have an extra if you need a "sample".


Mark my Bird!
My spring is broken just as it was on my 94 Super Coupe... same POS? Anyway I need one and wouldn't think twice about buying anything off you John. Thanks!

Red Box Rebel

New member
If you are talking about the spring that holds open the little door that conceals the ash tray and cigar lighter, I would buy one along with the little door.