Custom sub box (again)


New member
Looking to build something like this:

a pic:

Seeing as that one is $300+

Now, it will probably be mdf since I have never done fiberglass, and a simple square box. My primary concern is last time I did something like this, the subs were way too quiet compared to a normal size box (it was in a thread on here). LOD seemed to have come to the conclusion that it was due to the sub being too close to the back of the box.

So, now that you can see what space I have to work with, what would you advise for sub/amp and would it be best to port it since it is so small? I am thinking it will need to be pretty powerful for it's size to get any serious thump.



El Presidente
I'm no audio engineer but I've tried 2 different boxes (sealed/ported) for a single 12" in my '93 and can't begin to match what the big sealed box with two 10" subs puts out in the '96.


New member
I have a decent retangular ported box with 2 inset 10's that has made some nice thump in a few of my marks. I need to install it in one now....


New member
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Just wanted to update and day I found an audio/tint shop that will make a fiberglass version of that box for $150.