Drowing in a sea of Ricers


New member
Oh my god... I knew going in to that this was an Import car show... However I had no Ideal there were so many ways to destroy a car and a truck!!! I plan on taking som pic's today. I need a email to send them to so one of you guys can post the best pics!!!


New member
I lost to a bad Ass Dodge Viper!! I knew when It arrived I had no chance! There was a green chevy S-10 with a fish tank... there was also a Expedition with about 10 TVs and air bags and NOS.... of course when I Mentioned the particulars of the Lincoln Mark VIII peoples Jaws dropped to the floor!! I was listed as Lincoln of Distinction. Car Club!!! which reminds me I found a company who makes decals for cars May we should orders some Nor Cal LOD windshield stickers... what do ya think or we coud order national Logo for everyone... any one interested so everyone will know about Lincolns Of Distintion...... http://images.cardomain.com/member_images/2/web/410000-410999/410863_41_full.jpg http://images.cardomain.com/member_images/2/web/410000-410999/410863_42_full.jpg


New member
Ah, Stanley, you are aware that there is 25 sticker minimum to win?


Dumbass ricers...

Do you like the pin-stripe on your car?


New member
Where was this show?
Your car sure shows well. That monster SUV with the tilt up doors looked good too. I couldn't make out the Tatoo but this takes me back to a earlier posting where I mentioned club business cards etc. Good going buddy.

Bob :)