Getting ready for paint correction


New member
Going to tackle correction tomorrow with a buddy from work; his arsenal is a little more advanced than mine. :cool:

So, to start, there are plenty of squirrels (read:swirls) and scratches in the paint. Also have some pretty gnarly parking lot battle wounds as this car is a part-time pizza delivery apparatus.

I've got some clear failure going on in places, primary the passenger rear and driver fender.

And as you can see, the paint still has plenty of shine to it - I'm not worried about that, but the clarity rather.



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You have a specific plan of attack? Believe it or not the 3M Scratch Removal System is excellent, I follow that up with the Meguiar's 105, 205, glaze, etc. Adam's Polishes products work great too.


Joshua 24:15
Block out the car then use compounds of choice mine just happen to be Carrell Brothers. They have amazing wet life. Or if you have access to a 3m dealer the trizect (sp?) line is unbelievable as well, short wet life but it's super fast so it's not needed. Run both on a good rotary and bam show quality paint!


Joshua 24:15
Wet Sanding with a soft foam block. The block is used to apply pressure from your hand uniformly across the entire pice of sandpaper the results are night and day to not using a block. it gives a more uniform less streaky look after the sanding has been done, also in the process it takes less time with compound and also eliminates the possibility for thin "streaks" in the clear due to not having points of higher pressure on the sanding surface.
I'll try to dig up some pics of the difference in blocking and hand sanding.