Glitch adjusting question


New member
Okay, I did a search and didn't find what i'm sure is a simple answer.

I'm feeling totally blonde on this one and I KNOW I should know this.

I got the glitch inverter to fix my flickering rear neon on my 1998 raggedy lincoln. Installed it and it works but it needs to be adjusted.

I see the TINY screw but one thing that is not in the directions... when you adjust it, do you need to do it with the parking lights on, or the brake lights on? I know I should know this but it is escaping me at this time.


Super Senior Associate
I did mine at night so I could more readily see the difference. Obviously, you are aiming to have the parking/not braking light quite a bit dimmer than when the brake light is on. I had to turn the adjustment screw a LONG way to achieve that.


New member
okay, thanks, I will try it this weekend.

Right now the parking light, and brake light are the same intensity as far as I can tell. When the parking lights are on, and the brake pedal is pressed, I can't see a difference.

I know it is working. It is on with parking lights on, and it is on with parking lights OFF, but brake pressed. I just figured i was not adjusting it right.

Nice to know it has to be screwed a lot and it was not just me.