Happy Birthday United States of America


Happy birthday to the U.S.A, and all her citizens. May we reflect on all of the sacrifices our ancestors had to make to get us to this day. May our country celebrate its birthday for generations to come. Happy birthday everyone. I hope you all have a safe and happy holiday. Don't blow off any appendages, with fireworks.

Andrew DeSalvatore


Lincoln Evangelist
I lived the spirit of this holiday these past few days, that's for sure. I just returned home after spending the weekend in rural southwest Iowa with family. All of my siblings flew or drove in from their various corners of the country, to descend upon Exira, Iowa. A town with a day-to-day population, of 788.. There was camping, and S'more's, and festivities in town. I'm pleased to report that several of my nieces and nephews placed in the annual foot races, and later, 3 generations conspired to convince the local fire department to drench my little sister as they went by in the parade. Too much candy was consumed by all, and my youngest niece (4) still feels ripped off because there were only horses, not unicorns.

I don't have a single picture, which is too bad. Those kids are pretty cute.

Now I'm home, and it's very peaceful here. I'm enjoying that, too..